WordPress: Private Email plugin

By default, WordPress lacks the ability to send emails to registered users. This plugin was created to fill the gap by allowing you to send emails to your blog users.

Wordpress Private Email Plugin

To prevent abuse this powerful mass mailing functionality is available only to users with Administrator role. This can be changed quite easily if need be, for instance to allow all Editors or greater to use the plugin. Just let me know if you need it, and I’ll modify it for you.

How does this WordPress Private Email plugin work? It’s very simple.

Once activated it adds a new submenu called Write Private Email under the Write menu in the blog management area.

You’ll have to fill in the From field, such as “Catalin Ionescu “, the subject and email body and select the users who should receive the email. Selection is based on their role on your blog. Available roles are: Subscribers, Contributors, Authors, Editors, Administrators and ALL.

Then you press the “Send Email” button and the email gets sent to all registered users who have the selected role in your blog. It also reports back the success rate for each email.

Basic error checking is in place, to prevent common mistakes such as an empty From, Subject or email body.

Simple, powerful and very convenient to use.

This WordPress Private Email plugin is now available for public download. Just fill in the fields below and you should instantly receive the download instructions by email.

VERY IMPORTANT: If you have anti-spam software installed don’t forget to whitelist the domain catalinionescu.com before pressing the Download Now button!

I will never, ever abuse your trust by sending you bulk emails. I will only use your email address to send you the download instructions for the plugin, and after that to keep you informed of updates and other information related to the Private Email plugin – that is less than 7 emails per month.

With this being said, please fill in the details below and press Download Now to receive download instructions by email. You will be able to download and start using the plugin immediately.

You can also go to the Private Email plugin thread and post your request, comments, feedback and ideas for improvements .